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Kubecost kicks off the month of November with a brand new release, v1.107. In this blog, we’ll cover the major product updates. For a complete list of changes, see our release notes on GitHub.

What’s new in v1.107

Here are v1.107’s key updates:

  • Alternate API backend for Kubecost known as Aggregator will support Federated ETL environments which will help Kubecost scale to query large amounts of data quickly.
  • Updates to the Allocation page will allow for smoother querying of window and step sizes
  • Kubecost’s Cloud Costs Explorer has been introduced to OpenCost

Kubecost Aggregator launches in alpha

Aggregator is a new architecture for Kubecost which can be configured in Federated ETL environments and replaces the Federator component. For teams with a large Kubernetes Footprint, Kubecost’s UI may currently be slow to display cost metrics. Aggregator remedies this with near-instant querying. Aggregator doesn’t introduce new features to Kubecost, but improves base functionality at scale.

Currently, Aggregator is not enabled by default upon upgrading to v1.107, but is available to implement and roll back for all Kubecost Enterprise users. Aggregator will continue to receive updates in time to allow for full Kubecost functionality, but if you would like to see what our engineers have been developing so far, reach out to us at support@kubecost.com or product@kubecost.com to get started!

Improved querying of windows and step sizes

Kubecost’s Allocations page is getting some helpful changes. We have introduced more methods for querying when it comes to setting your window and step sizes. Window refers to the total length of time you’re querying for, with step size referring to the length of each individual data point (i.e. weeks, days, or hours). We now support monthly and quarterly step sizes.

Cloud Costs added to OpenCost

OpenCost, Kubecost’s open-source alternative and CNCF sandbox project, launches a new Cloud Costs dashboard modeled after Kubecost’s Cloud Costs Explorer. This will help visualize all your out of cluster cost metrics, such as costs from cloud services. Like Kubernetes costs, you will be able to filter your spend by services, labels, and other categories, and also drill down to specific line items.

You can read more about this feature and view a demo on OpenCost’s blog.

Upgrading to 1.107

Follow this command to upgrade your existing Kubecost install to v1.107:

export CURRENT_KUBECOST_VERSION=(`helm ls -n kubecost --output yaml| grep app_version|cut -d':' -f2|xargs`)
# Backup current Helm values
helm get values kubecost -n kubecost >> kubecost-helm-values_$CURRENT_KUBECOST_VERSION.yaml
# Upgrade to version 1.107.0
helm upgrade \
  --repo https://kubecost.github.io/cost-analyzer/ cost-analyzer\
  --namespace kubecost --version 1.107.0


That’s all from us for now, but if you’re interested in setting up Kubecost for the first time, installation is free and easy. See our Installation guide to get started!